Scary Facts About The Illuminati The Illuminati wants a population that is distracted and unconcerned about what happens within government.
Scary Facts About The Illuminati The Illuminati wants a population that is distracted and unconcerned about what happens within government.

Scary Facts About The Illuminati The Illuminati wants a population that is distracted and unconcerned about what happens within government.

Scary Facts About The Illuminati The Illuminati wants a population that is distracted and unconcerned about what happens within government. They accomplish this by making us more concerned about celebrities than our own families thanks to the news... Why can the average American tell you more about their favorite actor or favorite professional sports team than they can about what's going on in the country next to them? This is done by design, there is no accident. When you have the biggest news networks covering celebrity issues as if it’s the most important thing in the world, it becomes the most important thing. Everyday our senses are constantly being bombarded with sublimely messages found in TV, movies, and advertisements. Distracted by the spell of sex, violence, and artificial drugs (which is the number one reason people are sent to jail today). Laws can change magically without the public noticing... and the FDA in America can “approve” any chemical even if it gets rejected in other countries, like Europe for instance. They're not even afraid to place chemicals in our: food, body care products, and house cleaning products, which negatively affects the growth and development of our brains. Combine that with their greatest psychological warfare weapon of all time... the Television. Whether you want to believe it or not, the CIA realizes the truth of what this device does to the human mind. TV is set at a certain flicker rate that induces a meditative type state, making us more relaxed, passive, and agreeable with whatever we see. Studies have shown that after less than one minute of us watching tv, our brain switches from beta level consciousness (associated with active and logical thought) to alpha level conciseness (associated with passive acceptance and suggestibility… similar to when we first wake up). This is why sometimes we feel addicted to watching TV, and why little children become obsessed when they see the newest toy commercials. This is why major advertising companies have no problem spending billions of dollars a year on commercials and product placement within TV shows… they simply know the kinds of results it gets. Not to mention how subliminal messags are still being used today. They are unrecognizable by our conscious mind, but passively absorb and store into our subconscious mind. This is later reflected in shaping our actions, attitudes, and beliefs. Add the fact that the "Illuminati" (corporations) fund our education system... this is how our society ends up with tons and tons of 9-5 working drones. 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours play. We don't have any time to be concerned with anything else, so no one ever stops for a moment and asks, "Is this really the best I could be doing?" until we feel it's too late because we're "too old now." Now you know why billions of dollars of propaganda money is spent on "dumbing down" society, controlling: food, education, etc. (I won't even get into how most of the medical schools in America are highly funded, and hence influenced, by people with their money vested in certain big-time medicine companies... i.e. "Big Pharma") But of course, the opposite is just as true... if we educate ourselves and fill our hearts with only love for one another, we will break free. To get a really good feel for this, please watch this amazing thought-provoking video here. (click here to watch if you live in China) Also, research the book titled, "Propaganda" written in 1928 by Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Fraud and supporter of adding fluoride into America's water supply). This book was written following the study of group dynamics, and happens to be the "hand-book" for controlling someone's mind, which can be seen as the start of this insanity. In it he described how it was possible to intelligently and consciously manipulate the habits and opinions of the masses within a democratic society. He even went on to state that: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.” – Edward Bernays Where does this sound familiar? Oh yes... (We are all slaves of debt), “Born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch… a prison for your mind.” – Morpheus (from the Matrix) Also the book titled, "Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: the Secret War Against the American People" by Servando Gonzalez is a great read on this topic. And now, if this wasn't bad enough... the Illuminati realizes one more thing. And that's fear is the easiest way to control someone, as we will see next...
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    Scary Facts About The Illuminati The Illuminati wants a population that is distracted and unconcerned about what happens within government. Scary Facts About The Illuminati The Illuminati wants a population that is distracted and unconcerned about what happens within government.